

Painted leaves

Painted leaves

2015-11-23 06.16.13 1.jpg

You might have noticed on my Instagram account I've found myself a new hobby; painting leaves. I wanted to do this for a while after seeing other people do it on Instagram, like Christine from @Thehappilyeverafter , Sam from @sam_thrive360living and Kirsten from @magnesium_bluebut I didn't know what kind of equipment I had to use to paint the leaves. Now that I've collected and dried so many leaves, I really had to do it. I first tried painting with acrylic paint, but that didn't really work for me, it might have been the wrong kind. So I went to a art supplies shop to see if I could find anything else that might work and that's where I found acrylic paint markers. They have them in a lot of different colors, but I only bought white ones to start with.

I first dry the leaves in a book for a few days before using them. I've collected so many leaves this fall I don't even know which books contain leaves anymore.

Before I start drawing, I pick out a few leaves in different shapes and colours that look good together.

After that, I just start drawing whatever's on my mind.

I love making these, It's so addictive. Now I need to find a purpose what to with them. Any ideas?



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